5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Cucumber At Night

Cucumber is a fruit that is usually used as a vegetable. It can be used to garnish a lot of dishes. Cucumbers are mostly green in colour and have a soothing and refreshing taste, this is why a lot of people like it. This fruit has a lot of health benefits which makes it good to eat it at night. Here are some reasons why you should eat cucumbers at night.



1) It prevents dehydration: Our bodies need water to function effectively and cucumbers consists of 96% water. This helps to prevent a person from being dehydrated after a workout or in hot weather. Also, hydration can prevent constipation and kidney stones.

2) It contains antioxidants: Cucumbers contains antioxidants and flavonoids. These compounds helps to block oxidation which can lead to chronic diseases like cancer.



3) It aids in weight loss: Cucumbers can help in weight loss because it is low in calories. It also contains a high percentage of water that can bring about weight loss. You can eat cucumbers at night because they do not contain calories that can lead to weight gain.



4) It helps in regular bowel movements: When you eat cucumber at night, you may have bowel movement in the morning. This is because cucumber have a high water content and also contains fiber which is good for your gut and helps to prevent constipation.


5) It can combat bad breath: Eating cucumbers at night can reduce bad breath in the morning. Bad breath usually occurs when bacteria feeds on trapped food particles in the mouth. However, the fluid in cucumber helps to cleanse the mouth from bacteria that can cause bad breath.

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