Signs Of HIV In The First Stage After Some Weeks Of Being Infected



According to healthline It would be entirely out of place to not mention HIV while discussing the world’s incurable and dreaded diseases. Unfortunately, many people are exposed every day, either because they are unaware of the risks or because they choose to ignore them.

Once the virus enters the body, it goes through a series of stages. The first step is for the virus to enter the body and begin reproducing at a rate sufficient to overwhelm the immune system and secure a foothold. Acute stage symptoms often subside within two to six weeks following infection, hence the name. In light of a recent article posted on WebMD, we will examine some of the earliest, more mild symptoms of the disease below.

How soon after infection do symptoms of HIV often appear?

One symptom of HIV infection is an increase in the frequency with which one has headaches.

2 Muscle pain Muscle pain might appear weeks after the initial infection, during the chronic stage.

Three, a painful throat that doesn’t seem to respond to treatment.

4. Lymph node enlargement; this can occur anywhere from the armpit to the groin. This is your body’s way of alerting you to the presence of a potentially dangerous virus.

Five, a crimson rash that doesn’t itch or bother you in any way.

Wounds or ulcers in the mouth, genitalia, or anus are number six on the list. Physical symptoms like these may indicate HIV infection. If you develop ulcers in these areas after you may have been exposed, you should be checked out.

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