Drugs You Should Take Immediately After Lovemaking To Avoid HIV

There are medications you should take to avoid disease if your condom ruptured while you were making love.


All of us are well aware that HIV stands for Human immunodeficiency virus, and it can cause life-threatening consequences. Unprotected copulation is one of the most prevalent ways in which a person can catch the disease, although there are many other ways to get it.

The medication discussed in this article should be administered as soon as you suspect you have been exposed to the virus. The use of condoms is strongly recommended for anyone contemplating sexual relations with another person. Does this mean that they are infallible when it comes to preventing diseases that can be transferred by bodily fluids? No, that’s not correct.

There is a chance that a condom will burst or rupture during sex and put the individual at danger of catching different infections, including HIV/AIDs. But what do you do in this situation? Be proactive and wise instead of letting your life pass you by. Post-exposure prophylaxis is available immediately at a registered medical office or even a hospital in the event of an exposure.

After being exposed to HIV, a drug known as Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) can help protect against infection. If you think you’ve been exposed, either because the condom broke during sex or because you don’t want to take a chance on your health, you should go to a clinic right away and get this treatment.

The CDC recommends that Post Exposure Prophylaxis be given as soon as feasible after a probable exposure as a medical emergency. Those who think they may have been infected by the virus as a result of the rupture of a condom should take this medicine and undergo an HIV test after 28 days to determine their status.

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