Consuming The Head Of Fish; 4 Major Things It Does To Your Brain

Fishcan be described as an excellent protein source that aids the restoration of worn out tissues in the body. It gives unique taste and flavor and it’s healthy especially when it’s properly cooked.

A complete fish can be divided into 3 or more pieces which includes: the head, the body (middle), and the tail. The benefits or effects of consuming the head of fish to the brain will be discussed in this article.


1) The consumption of fish head promotes calcium and iron absorption to the brain.


2) It supplies high vitamin A levels to the brain which by extension is delivered to the eyes for clearer vision.

3) The head of fish provides diverse beneficial nutrients required to fight diseases such as brain tumor.

4) It provides the brain with the ability to fight germs due to its omega 3 fatty acid contents.

Many individuals ignorantly dispose the fish head. Now that you know the importance of consuming it, I hope you will turn a new leave.

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