Stop Eating Pineapple If You Have Any Of These 2 Health Conditions



Pineapples are the only bromeliad that bears edible fruit. Individual berries grow together around a central core to form the fruit. They may improve digestion, strengthen bones, and stimulate the immune system. They’re also low-calorie, despite their deliciousness.

Pineapple is a nutrient-dense, visually beautiful, and tasty herbal product that appeals to people of all ages.

Despite the abundance of obvious pineapple benefits, there is another component of health and therapy that we should be aware of.

The reigning queen herself, the pineapple (who comes with a crown! ), is hard to beat when it comes to summer fruits.

Even if it didn’t have the same regal appearance as it does now, pineapple has more than enough health benefits to put it at the top of the summer fruit food pyramid: this sweet and tangy fruit is high in vitamins and minerals, can aid digestion, and goes equally well on chicken kebabs as it does on the side of a pina colada glass.

One cup of fresh pineapple provides more than 100% of your recommended vitamin C and 180 milligrams of potassium.

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease may experience more heartburn or reflux symptoms as a result of the acidity in pineapples and other tropical or citrus fruits (GERD). For people whose kidneys aren’t fully working, consuming too much potassium can be dangerous.

Beta-blockers, a drug used to treat heart disease and anxiety, can be affected by too much potassium.

People who are allergic to latex are more likely to be allergic to pineapple than those who are not.

Here are just a few examples of the vast amounts of data available:

Pineapple also includes a number of acidic phytochemicals that, depending on the situation, can both benefit and harm the body.

The corrosiveness of the stomach has a direct relationship with the severity of stomach ulcers and sores.

Avoid pineapple and other herbal remedies containing large amounts of acidic elements such as orange, lemon, lime, and other citrus fruits if you have an ulcer.

Health risks

If you eat too much pineapple, you may get tongue discomfort that goes away after a few hours, but if it lasts longer, you may have a pineapple allergy. Humans can become ill by eating unripe pineapple, which causes severe diarrhea and vomiting. Avoid eating too many pineapples if you’re using antibiotics, anticoagulants, blood thinners, anticonvulsants, barbiturates, or insomnia medicines.

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