Actress cum media personality Nancy Isime has been dragged for disrespecting the dollar by using it on her nails in the quest of trying something different from fixing normal nails.

Nancy Isime shared a video of herself at the salon on her InstaStory fixing her nails and in the quest of trying something different from what almost everyone has been doing, asked they put a part of the dollar on her nails.

After fixing it, it looks beautiful but she has been dragged for disrespecting the dollar as Americans don’t play with their currency like that and the fact that she could be arrested for that too makes it all scary.

be easily arrested for disrespecting the American dollar because they don’t do their currency like that of the Naira that people turn to disrespect do much.

Those who have been fixing their nails see nothing wrong with what Nancy Isime did as they educate as that what she used is some form of fake dollars that are normally used to fix nails hence she stands no trouble of being arrested since it’s not real.

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