“Google is lyîng about my networth, I don’t have anything close to $170 million.” Lil Wayne

“Google is lyîng about my networth, I don’t have anything close to $170 million.” Lil Wayne

“I checked my networth and Google says my networth is over $170 million but it’s not true. Those cräzy numbers you see when you check my networth are all lîes. I don’t have anything close to that amount in reality. I guess they be meaning what I’m worth but I’m always calling my agent and telling him I’ll fîre him if he keeps lyîng. I’m a zillion dollars on google and I think they’re just doing that to motivate people because I don’t even have half of that in reality.” Lil Wayne

Music money is becoming questionable. It’s like all these artist are just lyîng but Lil Wayne be keeping it real

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