
Why I didn’t want my daughter Michelle to study abroad – Mercy Aigbe

Nollywood actress, Mercy Aigbe, has shared the reason she didn’t want her daughter to study abroad.

In an Instagram post, she expressed her profound emotions and initial fears about her daughter studying abroad.

Despite her anxieties, Michelle reassured her mother that she would be fine, which ultimately helped ease Aigbe’s worries.

Mercy Aigbe emphasized on the strong bond she shares with her daughter. Throughout their lives, they have experienced both joy and sorrow together, supporting each other through thick and thin.

Aigbe’s decision to let Michelle study abroad was not an easy one, as she shed tears and worried about her daughter’s well-being.

However, looking at Michelle’s accomplishments, Aigbe expressed immense gratitude for making that decision.

She credited Michelle for holding onto the values and morals instilled in her, which contributed to her success.

As Michelle embarks on a new season in life, Aigbe offered her heartfelt prayers, asking for God’s guidance and protection.

She expressed confidence that Michelle would continue to thrive and overcome any challenges that come her way, with God by her side.

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