List of 5 Countries In The World Where Couples Can’t Give Birth To More Than 2 Children

1. Singapore.

The government of Singapore encourages families to have two children and provides financial incentives to those who do so. Couples who have more than two children may face financial penalties and other restrictions.

2. Iran.

In Iran, the government has implemented a policy limiting the number of children that couples can have to two. The policy was introduced in 2012 to address concerns about population growth.

3. Vietnam.

In Vietnam, there is a two-child policy in place, although it is not strictly enforced. The policy was introduced in the 1960s and has been relaxed in recent years, but couples who have more than two children may still face fines and other penalties.

4. North Korea.

In North Korea, there is a two-child policy in place, although it is not strictly enforced. The government encourages families to have two children and provides financial incentives to those who do so, but couples who have more than two children may face financial penalties and other restrictions.

5. Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, the government has implemented a policy limiting the number of children that couples can have to two. The policy was introduced in the 1980s and has been enforced through a range of measures, including financial incentives for families who comply and fines and other penalties for those who do not. The policy has been credited with helping to reduce population growth in the country

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