10 Women Honestly Share The Real Joys Of Being A Mother

Motherhood is a bittersweet journey as it is characterized by the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yes, with parenthood comes the lack of sleep, vacation, and official sick days.

But these honest and inspirational stories about being a mom capture the fantastic benefits that also come with the job.

1. TQ Evans, Richmond, Virginia;

“While consoling his little brother over a ripped batman costume, I overheard my son say, ‘Don’t worry, just take it to mom, she can fix anything.’ That reminded me of my own childhood—I also believed that my dad ‘could fix anything’ (admittedly, I still do).

Parenthood is the single most important role any human will ever play in the life of another. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that by simply living lives that are intentional and authentic, my husband and I are, in many ways, teaching our children valuable lessons in love, empowerment, compassion, and humanity.”

2. Julia Dennison, New York

“It’s easy to think of diaper changing as a chore, but I like to give it a positive spin and think of it as a chance to bond with your little one. I love singing silly songs and tickling my daughter’s tummy when I’m changing her diaper.

You don’t get too many opportunities to share eye contact and get in close during the day, especially with a whirling toddler, so if you can distract them, and make it a happy time, then diaper changing is your chance.

Add to that a trusted brand like Huggies—I like their Little Movers Diapers—and you can be sure your little one is comfortable, supported, and dry, and you both will be much happier for it.”

3. Vivienne Borne, Maryland

“Nothing else can produce the joy or broken heart that motherhood allows. I couldn’t imagine going through life without feeling that spectrum of emotion. There are wonderful days when I feel my cup runneth over.

There are days that I want to run away and question every decision I have ever made. Feeling it all, good or bad, gives my life purpose. Motherhood is walking around with all of your nerve endings raw and exposed. It is the most extreme measure of being alive.”

4. Dahlia Rizk, New Hampshire; Buckle Me Baby Coats

“My kids are spread apart in age so we always have a little bit of everything going on! When they were little I struggled to find things that I could do a bazillion times without getting bored.

I once secretly threw away all the “cherries” for Hi Ho Cherry-o (“Oh man, all the pieces are missing!”). I love playing games with them now, from escape rooms to board games and puzzles.

As they’ve gotten older it’s shifted (in their minds) from me playing with them to them playing with me, but I’ll take it! I love that if I ask ‘who’s in for a game?’ they’re all there in a heartbeat.”

5. Sarah Ganjon, Maryland

“The pure joy of just watching them be kids and re-living all those first moments when they have discovered how to do things on their own!”

6. Kelley, Washington, D.C.; Curasalve

“I love being a mom, even with all of its trials and lessons. The ability to help shape a young mind and allow her to blossom as she is ready is miraculous. As an African-American mom, I also have the privilege of teaching my daughter self-love and self-respect at an early age.

Giuliana will know from birth how valued she is in our home and that she has a valid place in this world. Literally every choice I make—from the historical museums we visit, like the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture, to the nutritious foods I give her and the organic skin care I put on her body—are to give her a great start in life. It’s a beautiful thing.”

7. Jen Jackson, Texas

“Their smiles, their giggles, and their pride in new accomplishments! I can have the worst day, come home and listen to my children discuss their days and what they learned, or overhear them giggling playing a game or watching a movie—and poof! All is right in my world!”

8. Elena Ledoux, Las Vegas;

“My favorite thing about being a mom is the cute and funny things kids think about. Like when my older son thought the moon was Mars for some reason. Or, when my 6-year-old said he wants to buy a ‘goat truck’ after seeing his cousin’s Dodge Ram. It’s like my personal comedy show every day!”

9. Kathy Radigan, NY;

“I was 33 when I had my first child, so I know I had a life before children. But, I can’t remember what it was like! Having my children was such a life-altering experience.

I always was looking for the purpose in my life and when I had my children I found it. I love being a mother. I know I am good at it.

That doesn’t mean I don’t make my share of mistakes. Every day I add money to one of my three children’s ‘money for therapy for all the things I did to screw you up’ account. But I am a better person for knowing my children and I am very honored to be their mother. And I wouldn’t trade my best day before kids for my worst day with kids!”

10. Monicha Wimbley, Tampa, Florida;

“There are so many reasons why I love being a mama, but I especially I love the look in their eyes when they discover something new or figure something out that they’ve been trying to understand for a long time.

I love seeing little pieces of myself in them: my propensity to start singing made-up songs randomly, or the way they laugh. I love that I get the privilege of shaping the minds of three beautiful children and providing a wonderful example for them.”

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