Why Should Soak Beans in Water for 2 hours Before Cooking

Dried beans are considered as plant proteins, high in fibre and play as essential part of healthy diet to vegetarians. They contain micronutrients, such as B- vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and zinc.

As much as people love the beans delicacy, most of them do complain of gas and bloating after consumption. Research indicates that there are some proven methods to help reduce these symptoms. They include; soaking for 2 hours, canning, dipping a carrot, Irish potato or raw pepper when cooking.


These methods can help in reducing the gas producing indigestible carbohydrates.

Benefits of soaking dried beans before cooking

Soaking helps reduce the cooking time. Thus, saving on gas, firewood or kerosine, without affecting the nutritional value.

By soaking either white or brown beans in normal water for less than 2 hours before cooking, it helps reduce the hardness of it so once cooked.

Another simple way of reducing the hardness of beans is by inserting a small metal like spoon or something similar inside the beans. This also shortens the cooking time.

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