BBNaija’s Whitemoney alleges his fans didn’t vote for him during All Stars show, claims he self-financed his votes

Whitemoney sitting and holding up a glass of wine. Logo of Big Brother Naija All Stars (top-left)

In a recent exclusive interview, Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye winner Hazel Oyeze Onoduenyi, popularly known as Whitemoney, candidly shared the behind-the-scenes story of his journey on the All Stars edition of the popular reality show.

Whitemoney, who captivated audiences during the 2021 Shine Ya Eye season with his charming personality and strategy, was widely expected to be a strong contender in the All Stars competition. However, the reality star revealed that his performance this time around was drastically different from his previous stint.

Loyal fanbase fails to deliver for Whitemoney in All Stars edition

According to Whitemoney, his loyal fan base, which had been instrumental in his Shine Ya Eye victory, did not provide the same level of support during the All Stars show. The reality TV star disclosed that he had to self-finance all of his votes, leaving his team with a substantial amount of money to ensure his prolonged stay in the Big Brother House.

“I wasn’t shocked because I knew I wasn’t going to win. I left money with my team to keep voting and subscribing for the stay in the house. So, my money took me that far. People’s vote would be like 2 percent,” Whitemoney said during the interview.

The financial realities of Big Brother Naija show

The revelation sheds light on the challenges faced by even the most popular Big Brother Naija contestants, as their success is often heavily dependent on the unwavering support of their fan base. Whitemoney’s candid admission underscores the importance of audience engagement and the financial realities that contestants must navigate to remain in the game.

Despite his early exit from the All Stars show on day 56 out of 70 days, Whitemoney’s journey continues to captivate fans and industry observers alike. His willingness to share the behind-the-scenes details of his experience has earned him further admiration from his supporters, who have rallied behind him throughout his reality TV journey.

As the Big Brother Naija franchise continues to evolve, Whitemoney’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and high stakes involved in navigating the competitive world of reality television. Fans and industry insiders alike will undoubtedly be watching closely to see how Whitemoney’s career and influence within the Nigerian entertainment landscape will continue to unfold.

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