6 Warning Signs Of HIV Infection In Men And Women



According to healthline HIV symptoms may present differently from one individual to the next, but in most situations, the initial signs of infection manifest themselves within the first two months following infection. Your body’s immune response will make you sick with flu-like symptoms, as it does for many others who contract the virus. The term “seroconversion” describes this era. It is crucial to determine whether or not HIV is the cause of your symptoms during this period since your viral load is quite high, thus increasing the risk of transmitting it on to others. The only way to find out for sure is to take the test.

In men, the ClevelandClinic has discovered a variety of symptoms and markers of HIV infection that should not be ignored.


Do you often find yourself puzzling over why you’re so worn out? Those who are HIV-infected and are experiencing fatigue may find that simple actions like walking or going about their daily routines leave them feeling winded or out of breath.


One of the first signs of HIV infection could be a temperature of up to about 101 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to the fever, milder symptoms including a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue may appear if the infection progresses to that point.

Oral Sores

At this point, oral ulcers can also develop, and they may serve as the earliest warning sign of an infection. Although these symptoms may not appear until much later in HIV infection, they are still a possibility. In some cases, they can appear as white or creamy plaques on the tongue, palate, or lips. However, as you sweep them away, a bloody surface is often exposed. Red ulcers beneath the cheeks and lips are a common condition, and they can be rather painful.

lymph node swelling

Your lymph nodes may swell while your immune system fights off an infection. Pain or discomfort in these regions may be the result of lymph node swelling in the neck, underarms, or groin.


A rash is a common cutaneous symptom of HIV infection because it causes irritation. Redness, swelling, and itching are all possible side effects. A rash is a common symptom of HIV infection and will appear in the vast majority of people who have it. It’s a typical sign that shows up in both the early (acute) stages of HIV infection and the later (chronic) stages.

Perspiring through the night

Night sweats are typical of HIV infection, especially in the initial stage of acute illness following seroconversion (the period during which an antibody becomes evident in the blood). Night sweats are one of the many symptoms of HIV, and there are often two or three others present as well.

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