Irish Potatoes vs Sweet Potatoes: Which Is More Nutritious And Healthier To Your Body?

Tuberous root vegetables contain both sweet and regular potatoes, despite their look and flavor differences. Healthline states that these plants originate from numerous different families, each of which provides a different mix of nutrients and affects glucose levels in a slightly different way. Although both sweet potatoes and regular potatoes belong to the same root vegetable category, they are not closely related.



Sweet potatoes typically have a brown exterior and orange meat, although they also occur in yellow, purple, and red variations. Humans always have brown skin. Traditional potatoes can have a variety of colors on the outside, including brown, yellow, and even red, with white or yellow flesh.

Both are nutritious.

Although sweet potatoes have a reputation for being healthier than white potatoes, both can actually be rather nutritious in their own right. White potatoes have a higher potassium level than sweet potatoes, while sweet potatoes have a higher vitamin A content than white potatoes. Both varieties of potatoes are high in calories, protein, and carbs.

The two potato types share a wealth of additional plant components that are beneficial to human health. Sweet potatoes, especially the red and purple types, are a rich source of antioxidants, which play a key role in protecting cells from free radical damage.

Regular potatoes contain glycoalkaloids, which have anticancer and other positive effects, as revealed in test-tube studies.

Different glycemic indices

An item’s impact on blood sugar is quantified using a scale called the glycemic index (GI). The GI of many potato types varies.

If you have diabetes or another blood sugar issue, you may benefit from limiting the number of high glycemic index (GI) meals you eat. The glycemic index of sweet potatoes is lower than that of white potatoes, hence they are often recommended in their place.

Not only does the type of potato eaten have an impact on blood sugar levels, but so do the amount eaten, the size of the potato, and how it was cooked. Some sweet potato types may have a lower glycemic index (GI) than conventional potatoes, however this is not always the case.

Well-balanced diets can include both.

Both sweet and white potatoes are a good source of energy-giving carbohydrates and fiber, and can be part of a healthy diet along with a wide range of other nutritious foods.

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