3 Things You Should Do Immediately After A Scorpion Sting

Scorpions are predatory creatures known to have a poisonous sting capable of causing serious harm to anyone that falls prey. Though they have an estimated 1,500 species all over the world, recent studies and research have shown that only 30 of these species contain venom which could be fatal.

According to a publication by Healthline, when stung by a scorpion, you will feel the pain instantly and it can become extreme with swelling and redness within the first few minutes. However, when the effects of the sting become widespread, one can experience symptoms such as accelerated heartbeats, difficulty in breathing, restlessness, etc.

When stung by a scorpion, there are few measures that should be taken to prevent its dire consequences. According to publications by Medicalnewstoday and Healthline, here are things that you should do immediately after being stung by a scorpion.

1. Put Ice On The Sting Area

The sting from a scorpion can cause serious pain and swelling, but when you quickly apply ice to the area you’ve been stung, it will help to alleviate the pain and swelling symptoms. When you do this, you can then proceed to get other medical assistance if needed.

2. Stay Calm

You might have heard about how dangerous a scorpion’s sting could be and this could make you panic-stricken when stung. However, panic can make you overreact or overplay the whole situation in your mind and take measures that may do more harm than good. Make sure you remain calm and seek the right medical help by calling medical personnel or seeking help from someone who knows about scorpion stings.

3. Take Pain Relief Medicine

Since scorpion sting usually comes with pain and discomfort, taking pain relief medicines such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen after a sting will help considerably reduce your pain symptoms.

However, it is important to know that scorpions don’t just appear out of thin air. They are attracted by water and moisture in an environment. To keep scorpions out of your surroundings, ensure that you repair damaged or leaking pipes to avoid water gathering around and keep your environment clean and dry always. Also, smells from essential oils such as cinnamon, peppermint, and lavender are known to keep scorpions away so make available either of these oils around your place of stay to have a scorpion-free environment.

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