3 Medical Conditions That Cause Foamy Urine & What You can Do About It

Normal urine is flat and ranges in color from light yellow to dark amber. Your urine’s color and foaminess might alter as a result of a number of things, including your food, medications, and diseases.

If your urine appears foamy, it may be that your bladder is full and the urine is moving quickly enough to stir up the water in the toilet. However, diseases that could also result in frothy urine are reasons to visit your doctor.



Learn what causes pee to foam up and what to do if this happens to you.

Sometimes, urine may briefly bubble up. The urine flow rate is typically to blame for this.

If foamy urine occurs frequently or gets worse over time, it is more likely to be an indication of disease.

According to Healthline & WebMD, here are 3 medical conditions that could cause foamy urine:

1. Kidney problem



The presence of an excessive amount of a protein, such as albumin, might also be indicated by foamy urine. Your urine’s protein reacts with the air to produce foam.

Your kidneys often filter excess water and waste from your blood into urine. Because they are too large to pass through the kidneys’ filters, protein and other vital molecules remain in your bloodstream.

However, injured kidneys don’t filter as well as they should. Too much protein can flow into your urine as a result of damaged kidneys. It’s known as proteinuria. It is a symptom of end-stage renal illness, a late stage of kidney failure, or chronic kidney disease.

2. Retrograde €jaculation, a condition in which semen backs up into the bladder instead of being discharged from the male private organ, is a less frequent reason for frothy pee in men.

3. A rare disorder called amyloidosis can result in foamy urine, fluid accumulation, and renal issues. It can affect a variety of organs and is brought on by the accumulation of a certain protein.

What you can do about the conditions

To check the amount of protein in your urine, your doctor will probably take a sample from you. One 24-hour urine test compares albumin concentrations to concentrations of creatinine, a byproduct of muscle breakdown.

Your doctor will examine for sperm in your urine if retrograde €jaculation is considered to be the cause of your foamy urine.

You must address the underlying cause of foamy pee when renal damage is the reason. Kidney disease is frequently brought on by diabetes and excessive blood pressure. By effectively controlling these disorders, kidney damage can be slowed down.

To assist treat diabetes, your doctor will advise you to consume a balanced diet and exercise frequently. To ensure that your blood sugar is staying within a healthy level, you must frequently test it.

Your kidneys can become damaged by high blood sugar. It’s possible that you’ll also need to take medication to lower your blood sugar.

You should also keep an eye on your diet and be active if you have high blood pressure. Limiting your intake of salt and protein can both lower your blood pressure and lessen the strain on your kidneys.

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