How To Know If You Have Been Consuming Too Much Sugar Into Your Body



Numerous health problems can be brought on by excessive sugar consumption. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, and other health issues can result from a high-sugar diet.

According to WebMD, consuming sugar shouldn’t account for more than 10% of a person’s daily caloric intake. You’ll have some symptoms if you consume a lot of sugar. Here are a few of them:

1. Digestive Problems.

A diet high in sugar can irritate the lining of your stomach, resulting in diarrhea and cramps. The large intestine’s main job is to absorb water, but sugar has the power to either draw water into the large intestine or hinder its ability to do so. As a result, bloating or a heavy feeling in the stomach might happen.



2. Poor sleeping patterns.

Sugar can increase your risk of developing diabetes, cause tooth decay, and make you fat. However, a significant side effect of sugar is that it disrupts your sleep, which makes you yearn for more sugar. Sugar consumption can make it difficult to fall asleep. To sleep soundly at night, cut back on your sugar intake.



3. Joint discomfort.

The body releases proteins called cytokines when it consumes too much processed sugar which leads to chronic inflammation of the joints. Joint pain is almost always a result of a high-sugar diet. So do well to always check your blood sugar if you suddenly experience joint pain.



4. You have abnormally high blood pressure.

Following a sugary meal, insulin levels rise, stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, which raises blood pressure and heart rate. Additionally, it seems to lessen how sensitive our blood pressure-controlling receptors are. If your blood pressure is always high, you might consume a lot of sugar.

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