According to him, the moment a Christian borrows from another person, it sends words out to others that God is not sufficient for him or her and He is not fit to provide for his or her needs at that point in time.

He mentioned that borrowing from others is an anti-covenant, hence Christians must learn to rely on God entirely because he will never put them to shame.

He wrote; Dear Christian, Anytime you are borrowing, you are telling God “You are not sufficient for me. I have alternative to you” Borrowing is anti-covenant. Learn to rely totally on God & He will never put you to shame. “For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow.” Deuteronomy 15:6a “The rich ruleth over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender.” Proverbs 22:7 ANTI-COVENANT, didn’t say SIN. The same way someone who has always fallen sick perpetually enters into a covenant with God by the virtue of faith in His word & hasn’t fallen sick for over 20 years That is the same way some people walk in the realm of “never borrowing” I see a lot of emotional tantrums here & there with a lack of proper understanding of God’s word Before you comment, read properly, digest, understand before throwing tantrums based on sentiments & emotions May God help your understanding. Amen

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