3 Reasons Why You Should Never Flog Your Children

God blesses us with children. God has entrusted children to parents in order for them to be cared for and taught the ways of God (Deuteronomy 6:7). Furthermore, parents should pray for their children. That is critical, especially given the fact that we live in a very evil planet. No one is spared in this world, regardless of age, country, gender, or socioeconomic class. As a result, in order to be supported, one must place themselves correctly and completely rely on God.


Most youngsters are subject to the world’s bad influences. The devil has carefully planned how to ruin the next generation. This is due to the fact that if the young generation is corrupted and their lives are ruined at a young age, their future and destiny are entirely shattered. As a result, you should pray for your children daily for the reasons listed below


1. Divine safeguarding

God’s divine protection is critical in your children’s lives. As previously said, the devil has a very nasty plan to destroy the next generation. However, by praying, you may put an end to and prevent such attacks on your children. This is because God sets a higher standard than the enemy, thereby protecting your children from the devil’s attacks.

2. To provide for their future

It is critical to pray for your children on a daily basis since it helps to protect their future. This means that as you pray, you invoke God’s blessings on their life and future. You give their life to God so that they might live out their destinies. When you do this on a regular basis, you will notice a difference in your children’s lives.


3. To keep them away from false doctrines

As your children grow older, they begin to develop their own hobbies and career paths. You may not have complete control over what they do or access to information. They are, nonetheless, highly likely to be deceived and fall victim to malevolent beliefs. Prayer can be an excellent approach to reinforce their faith in God and keep them from making bad decisions or going down the wrong road. This can also be accomplished by ensuring that your children are properly instructed in God’s ways through the Bible. As the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6, “bring up a child in the ways of God, and he will not depart from it when he is a youngster.

4. God’s provision

As a parent, you may not always be able to provide your children with everything they require. This means you must rely on God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things. God is a divine provider in such a way that even in times of adversity, your children will be satisfied because God will find a path for them. Praying for your children on a daily basis allows doors to open in your life.


5. Achievement and success

It is critical to pray for your children on a daily basis in order for them to excel in everything they do. When you pray for them, they receive supernatural enablement, and God empowers them to become significant persons in their lives. They are also blessed by God, and as a result, they stand out among their peers.

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