How To Roast Your Plantain At Home Without A Charcoal Grill.


You can roast your plantain or yam in your kitchen at home without charcoal grill or charcoal.

Stepsto roastyourplantainathome.

Step 1

Peel and wash your plantain.



Step 2

Draw deep straight lines on the plantain and to allow a deep penetration of heat into it.


Step 3

Wrap the plantain with a foil and place on the fire.



Step 4

Place the pot on medium heat, for twenty minutes.

Step 5

Let it heat for fifteen minutes, then turn the other sides every seven to eight minutes to prevent it from burning.

Step 6

Watch it until it changes it’s look (especially light brown color)



Step 7.

Remove it from heat, use your kitchen knife to clear the soot on the plantain after you have removed from the foil.




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