Why Some Children Suffer Jaundice From Birth.



Neonatal Jaundice is a childhood ailment which occurs as a result of excess bilirubin present on the blood. The bilirubin is essential for many activities in the body, but over production of this bilirubin is harmful as it causes jaundice.

Bilirubin is formed when the liver, spleen or bone marrows breaks down red blood cells. This is passed through bile and they passed out in stools.

Some children suffer jaundice from birth and these has many factors attached to it. While in the uterus, the foetus’ liver is inactive and as such, much red blood cells are produced. As red blood cells are being broken down, bilirubin is formed.

Because the liver is not active to pass the bilirubin to the bile duct and then excrete it in form of biles, the bilirubin remains in the foetus’ body and can overtime, cause jaundice.



Fortunately, according to NHS, the jaundice caused by this factor can easily go away through thorough breastfeeding. The natural supplements contained in breast milk kills jaundice and makes it go away within 1 to 2 months after birth.

Apart from this, there are other underlying diseases and health conditions which could cause jaundice in infants. These are:

1. Blood group factor:

Jaundice can be formed in foetuses when the parent’s blood group is not compatible with one another.

2. Incompatibility in rhesus factors

This is dangerous as it can lead to death. When the mother and foetus has incompatible rhesus factor, jaundice can occur.

For instance, if the mother is rhesus factor positive while the baby is rhesus factor negative and their blood comes in contact either during pregnancy or childbirth, complications can occur, leading to jaundice and other health conditions.

3. Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Some urinary tract infections contracted by the mother can also pose health challenges to the baby in the womb which jaundice is among such health challenges.

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