Renowned Ghanaian counsellor, Counsellor Frank Edem Adofoli holds a different view from what people say about marrying someone you have been friends with for a while.

According to him, familiarity doesn’t guarantee success in marriage adding that it is important to learn about people before you get married to them, no matter how strong your feelings for them are.

In his view, one can develop a great liking, strong feeling or attachment for someone but fail to relate to them, however, it takes understanding to make marriage work, it takes knowledge, it takes wisdom not familiarity.

His post reads;

By Counselor Adofoli
One of the accent mistakes people make when going into marriage is by settling down with someone they have known for ages but not someone they really understand or flow with. You hear phrases such as, I know her family, we are from the same home town, we are members of the same church, I know her in the choir, I have been with him for years.
You can develop a great liking, strong feeling or attachment for someone but fail to relate to them. It takes understanding to make marriage work, it takes knowledge, it takes wisdom not familiarity. People are getting married to their spouses based on “I know you” principle and not “I understand you”.
This is why it is important to learn about people before you get married to them, no matter how strong your feelings for them are. For you can get married to someone you love so much yet fail to understand them and this will eventually lead to divorce.
Looking for a Partner?
Let the expert help you find the right person, save yourself the stress. Counselor Adofoli is here to help. He counsels, coaches and matches singles.
As at now, he has a database of singles who are MATURE, HARD WORKING, INDEPENDENT, SERIOUS and have gone through counseling and coaching, available and ready to be matched to the right person.
If you truly believe you are serious, matured and ready for marriage, talk to him.”